Document Does Not Exist

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/06/06

Add content in the "Document Does Not Exist" view


This Extension Point allows adding content in the default view that is displayed when a document is not found (i.e. the docdoesnotexist.vm template file).



This Extension Point is contributed by this extension and was added in version 8.3-milestone-1 of that extension.

Page Layout
Extension Id
Content to be provided

The code or message to add to the view.

Tip: Ask Joe from Accounting about your missing document.

Parameters to be provided
  • order: the order in which the extension will be displayed. The lower the number is, the more on the top it is displayed. Examples of correct orders: 10000, 20000. Please let enough room to add other UIX between existing ones and your own. The current items have these orders:

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